Full Board & Half Board (English)

Full Board & Half Board

Our hotel guests have the possibility to buy half board or full board.

After precedent arrangements it is possible for non-hotel guests to buy half board or full board, too. Please contact the restaurant manager.


The standard full board contains breakfast, served two-course lunch menu and dinner menu. Within the high standard menu it is possible to buy the third course.

The two-course menu is chosen by the guest from the menu. It contains either a starter or a dessert (based on the guest’s choice) and a main course. Menu offers a selection of cold and warm starters, appetizer salads and homemade soups. As a main course we offer for example: meals from beef tenderloin, specialties of Czech cuisine, fish, pasta, light and diet meals or lunch salads. The sweet ending after a main course is ensured thanks to a selection of desserts including among others the delicious Mövenpick ice-cream.


Lunch is served from 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Dinner is served from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Half board normally includes breakfast and served two-course dinner menu. Within the high standard menu it is possible to buy the third course.

When ordering personally in the hotel restaurant, you can change the times, the number of menu courses and eventually arrange discounts.

Half Board Sample Dishes

  • Mozzarella di Bufala with tomatoes
    Mozzarella di Bufala s rajčaty a čerstvou bazalkou,
    podávaná s čerstvým pečivem///Mozzarella di Bufala with tomatoes and fresh basil,
    served with fresh bread and butter///Mozzarella di Bufala mit Tomaten und frischem Basilikum,
    serviert mit Gebäck, Butter///Моцарелла ди Буфала с помидорами и свежим базиликом,
    подается со свежей выпечкой и маслом
  • Pan roasted trout
    Pečený pstruh z pánve podávaný na špenátu se slaninou a pečenými cherry rajčaty,
    dochucený bílým vínem a kysanou smetanou, lahůdkové brambory ve slupce///Pan roasted trout served on spinach with bacon and roasted cherry tomatoes,
    flavoured with white wine and sour cream, served with gourmet baked potatoes///Gebratene Forelle auf Spinat mit Speck und gerösteten Kirschtomaten
    gewürzt mit Weißwein und saurer Sahne, Pellkartoffeln///Запеченная форель на шпинате с беконом и жареными помидорами черри,
    приправленная белым вином и сметаной, с деликатесным картофелем в мундире
  • Roasted Carlsbad pork shoulder
    Karlovarské vepřové koleno přední podávané s bílým zelím se slaninkou,
    hořčicí, křenem, červenými papričkami, cibulkou a českým chlebem///Roasted Carlsbad pork shoulder, served with white cabbage with bacon,
    mustard, horseradish and bohemian bread///Karlsbader vordere Eisbein mit Weißkraut mit Speck,
    dazu Senf, Meerrettich und böhmisches Brot///Карловарское свиное колено переднee подается с белой капустой,
    беконом, горчицей, хреном, красным перцем, луком и чешским хлебом.
  • Homemade cheese and chocolate cake
    Domácí tvarohovo-čokoládový dezert s malinovou zmrzlinou vlastní výroby///Homemade cheese and chocolate cake with raspberry ice cream of own production///Hausgemachtes Käsekuchen-Schokoladendessert mit Himbeereis aus eigener Herstellung///Домашний творожено-шоколадный десерт с малиновым мороженым собственного производства.
  • Mozzarella di Bufala with tomatoes
  • Pan roasted trout
  • Roasted Carlsbad pork shoulder
  • Homemade cheese and chocolate cake
